martes, 22 de abril de 2014

On the HIMYM Finale...or how I learn to wait.

Yes yes yes, its been over nearly a month ago and yet I want to talk about it. Maybe we needed to wait for my LEGEN - wait for it even when you actually now whats next- DARY opinion about it. (Or maybe not, suit yourself.)
Yes,yes, yes the internet exploded the instant we saw SPOILER Ted Mosby by Robin's window with a blue french horn after years of the mothers death. Yeah, whether you hate it or love it (like i did) you have to admit this just made a huge closure to a generation (just like FRIENDS did at 2004) . I did grow up to become an adult based on the HIMYM gang, their familiarity and moves became my moves, my familiarity and my gang at the end. The inside jokes of this generation are gonna grow old to become part of our adulthood and whether you liked the end or not, you will always remember the 2:00 am rules, the MacKlarens and the pineapple and the goat (BTW WTH with that stuped pineapple!!!!!) cause they were the true LEGEN - wait for it - DARY stuff.

The good stuff, the memorable stuff, sticks around. So does the lessons. We learn to wait for the right one, that true love changes and grows within each marshmallow and lillypad and every Robin gets her blue french horn at the end (Now you see why i love the ending right?). But its not about finding the Mosby of our heart, the Barney that makes us laugh and the Marshall that would walk a 500 miles to us. Not only I want to find the right one, the How I Met Your Father story, but the trick is to become the One too. Being that Ted who keeps believing in destiny forever, that Barney who also loves scotch and cuban cigars and that Marshall who is willing to give a dream to travel to Italy, that Robin who just knows what she truly wants and that Lily who loves unconditionally. Its not about if we are mad the Mother dies at the end and Ted gets a second chance with Robin, but, that after 9 seasons, we saw the Mother grew to become the one to somebody as well as we saw each of them grew and become their own ONE and only love. 

That's why I love it, and why probably will keep loving it, HIMYM teach me to look and wait, but also to grow and become.

Now about growing...what next series are you watching?

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Somewhere only we know

Right now, as a "grown-up", has been dificult to find places than endulge me, feel warm and totally blow my mind (the 3 options at the same time). My city isnt a very cosmopolitan city where I can see very different sides of it (like going from the Soho to the Bronx to Manhattan in NY) pretty much my city doesn't have many places you can actually run that are less than 40 minutes away and there are no many hidden alleys.

Well, over the weekend it show me off the opposite. I (well not me, my friends) find this little cutie café hidden on a side street from a very busy main's right there on plain sight and yet for some reason its extreamelly cozy and cutie and perfect. The café is an open terrance with gorgeous lights over the trees and books to the side of the tables (or under or above!) and the food is divine as in Yummy, Cozy and home-made but perfect!. It was still a little too cold to be in the terrance, but the soft blankets make it a lot better to handle...but guys, let me tell you a secret, I'm almost sure my chocolate had something on it, (like pot hahaha) but we just couldn't stop laughing. Like WE COULDN'T STOP at all! It was past midnight and we were repeting all the same jokes over and over and never got tired of it! (mitocondria y su hermano fitoplasma!) 

I guess the trick to find new marvelous places to see in your own comfort zone is to see them with other eyes, it includes a set of several eyes to make a simple sweet place, the most marvelous Central Perk in the whole world.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Academy Awards Post-Recovery

Don't you ever feel like the Academy Awards are one big holiday day and we should get days off-work for it, presents, all the family together and just enjoy them? Like Christmas....maybe?. Am i the only one? I bet im not. Lets face it im currently feeling the blues post-award season, and even thought I enjoy them very much (specially the Oscars) I now feel something is missing. 

Aww Alfonso, estamos todos en este viaje...

This year's season was extremely fun since I planned  (actual planning) everything on advance in order to make the most out of the whole event ( from making sure i actually had the time to sit and watch, to actually making some drinks for it, but don't get me wrong it was nothing fancy, mostly beers and lime). So I had a lot of time in front of the tv to get excited (at one point I was already jumping in bed and mom just left the room for a while). And I had reasons to: so happy for Mr. Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity was for me a delightful movie to see and not because he is from Mexico City or that (c'mon its not like my cutie country actually supports the arts) but because I love how he works his teams into making the kind of movie I love (yeah, I still think the 3rd Harry Potter is the best or most accurate to my mind).

But speacking of movie loves....I had no other than Gravity this year and not bacause American Hustle or 12 years a slave or even Nebraska and Blue Jasmine weren't good, the problem is, I cant tell, since I havnt seen them. (OMG yes ladies and gentleman i made a capital huge enourmous mistake and havent seen any of them). I'm so desesperated to see Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club and Lupita Nyong'o and Michael Fassbender in 12 years a slave, but damn, it appears not only awards gotta have to be plan into detail, but movies to me are becoming a prvilage little thing you can't just wait 365 days to have again. 

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

The plus-non-plus

Lets discuss work behavior. Sound heavy...better not. Les re-schedule that. Do now what you can do later.

Lets face it, work ethics are not only dificult to explain, but has become a group thing rather than an individual work ethic. Currently im overdoing as much as possible, first for the love of being there, learning and mostly feeling useful (cause after graduation i hit down to feeling useless). But also today they finally shout up to my face "you work as hard as you do for simple pleasure, nones notices it and nobody cares". Well i guess i wasnt expecting anybody to notice...or did i? Was it a bigger masterplan to make my superiors notice me? O do i really work double or triple than others for nothing in return?.

It did not scare me, it made me Mad. Mad as hell. Yes i was working hard, it should be recorded somewhere, into somebodys mind, dont care about the paycheck but feeling that others see the way i see it, true love for extra effort. Well in case you are wondering my other team players were looking at my as an idiot for working extra, for nothing. 

Yaouza. They were already working hard as hell, anybody who does extra is an idiot for doing it. Well, team players, let me tell you, im about to become you. Doing exactly what im supposed to do, nothing extra, just exactly 100%. Not 10 or 20% extra, nope. Nothing. Lets play this group work rule. (Btw i feel theres something they arent telling me....probably the numbers on their paycheck compared to my non-existent one) 

(Btw im a job meeting jojo) 

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Into far.

(BTW this post was supposed to be up a week ago! ...that can give you the scoop as how much I work on the following goals)

As you can see i fall into bad habits quite often: Not blogging. Once said the issue with blogging right now is that it feels more like a chore to do than a hide-out, it makes me feel responsible for something i should be trying to do 24/7. Some part of me knows it is mostly because i look blogging like a new job i have to make perfectly, but at this time, also notice is been a while since in have the opportunity to talk to somebody about pretty much anything that pops out of my my blog used to be.

As every year i try my best to come often, and as every year i fail horribly over it. From all blogs and articles been following lately, one of it included putting your Year Goals by written, therefore you can see them Daily, Measure them and Remind them. So that's what i did...kinda. I put it over my bamboo app on my iPad just to have it around, but not in order to make it impossible to change it a little bit.

Originally started as a 5 goal thing....ended in 4; mainly cause also this year i was able to notice i have almost zero real goals. Not the i-want-to-be-thin kinda of goal, but those goals that are not really by years, but stages, for instance: what i want to do/ to be by the age of 30?. Yes my darlings, that's where the panic come from. *runs in circles, checks first goal of the year*